Rise in Popularity of Independent Distilleries Nationally

People’s tastes are evolving and so are breweries across the country with the rise of independent distilleries. Washington State, Michigan (home to 40 distilleries alone!), and Colorado are just a few states where independent artesian distilleries are paving the way for a new type of culture and one that just happens to taste delicious.

Craft Liquor is the New Brewing Game

A trend that you’re probably familiar with is craft beer. It’s a movement that’s been around for a few decades now, but be on the lookout for the new trend to cheer—independent distilleries, which make liquor with local grains. Now you’ll be able to enjoy craft beer and artesian liquor in a whole new way.

In 2011, there were only about 350 independent distilleries in the United States but by the end of 2015, there were over 500. The distilling industry is over a $10 billion market, and with good reason…people want to enjoy a high quality but also local and unique drink.

The Beauty of Independent Distilleries

Independent distilleries know that quality takes time. Luckily, not every type of liquor takes as much time as say, bourbon does (which may be aged for eight years before it’s ready). Vodka, for example, can be filtered, and then distilled seven times. Without sacrificing quality, independent distilleries handcraft and design using locally sourced ingredients the consumer can feel good about.

Head to an independent Kentucky distillery for some bourbon or a local whiskey distillery in Indiana and you’ll be able to taste unique flavors and richness that you cannot find anywhere else. Or instead of odorless mass-produced vodka enjoy vodka made from an independent distillery, and you’ll experience a smooth, soft liquor infused with a hint of vanilla.

The Farm-to-Table Trend

Tired of the same mass-produced, industrialized taste of rum or bourbon? Do you care about where your alcohol comes from, or how your beer is crafted? More consumers than ever are gravitating towards local, sustainable and ethical practices of their liquor. Consumers want to put the power and the control back in their own hands by knowing what they are drinking and where it comes from.

Most of all, consumers are showing a passionate interest in being able to taste the difference firsthand and take in the whole experience—the drink, the culture, and the farm-to-table process. Head to your local independent distillery so you can experience the liquor and this emerging culture for yourself. The proof is in the sip—and when you try liquor that was handcrafted from an independent distillery, chances are you won’t ever drink anything else.